Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Blog

So this whole blogging thing is brand new for me. I really don't know what to even say! I decided I wanted to try blogging though as a form of therapy - sounds lame right? I don't know.. it was something that had popped into my head so I figured it was worth a shot. My husband and I have had some fights lately and he HATES when I talk to my friends about our problems so I figure this is at least anonymous.

About me: I'm obviously married - and I have 3 kids. They are 9, 2 and 1. I work full-time at a job I only took because my husband lost his and we needed money to pay bills. It's sort of grown on me and my boss has promoted me about 3 months in so it made things better. I still hate about 50% of my job though - the part I was promoted into I really enjoy. It gives me a sense of purpose - I feel.. important I guess.

Recently my "best friend" and I got into some major drama. 95% of it was HER fault. I got drug into some crazy crap and I'm still trying to straighten things out with my husband because of her. I am guilty of some of the drama - but on a much lesser level lol. That's probably another blog in itself if anyone is interested.

Anyway, I guess I'll surf around and look for some other blogs to read and get an idea of what people actually write about. I hope that anyone stumbling across mine would be kind enough to leave a comment - total brutal honesty is fine and actually preferred. That's sort of my new thing. After the drama fest with my ex friend - I'm ready for total honesty in life .. or at least as much as possible. I guess everyone has to use a white lie here and there. I dont' intend to do that on my blog though. It's mine and I can say whatever I want w/out worrying about offending or upsetting anyone. LOOK OUT!

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